Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kosovo English Camp 2011

"A man is but the product of his thoughts... what he thinks, he becomes".
Mohandas Gandhi

This adage by Gandhi rings true no matter what culture, language or religion one ascribes to. 
Thus, in order to inspire the youth of today's global world, we seek to challenge them to think critically about important issues in life....
Kosovo, finally having received international recognition as a country in 2008,
is one of the newest countries in our world today.  To add to its fame are two shocking statistics: the fastest growing population in all of Europe, as well as the highest unemployment rate (estimated at about 70%). The youth of today's Kosovo are at a pivotal point in history- a time for education, a time for experience, a time for change. 
We invite you to be a part of inspiring the youth of Kosovo. 
"Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough. Money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go".
Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Kosova or Bust -- three days to go!
